Deities in Tibetan Buddhism

Tibetan Buddhism has a complex pantheon of divine beings, many of which can be seen on the walls and ceilings of Buddhist temples in Tibet. There are various classes of supernatural beings within the pantheon. These include the Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, female deities, protector gods, defenders of the faith, guardians of the four cardinal points, and... Continue Reading →

Tibetan Buddhism

Buddhism is recognized as a modern religion, though it appears more a philosophy than a religion in its tenets. Most forms of Buddhism do not focus on deities or the supernatural, but rather on man’s path to enlightenment. But a major exception to this is Tibetan Buddhism, in which deities, both benevolent and malevolent play... Continue Reading →

Norse Seidr Magic

The Vikings had a firm belief in both the supernatural and magic. They practiced several different types of magic including rune magic and Galdr magical chants, but the most common form of magic among the Vikings was Seidr, or more accurately Seiðr magic. Seidr was almost exclusively practiced by female witches, who were known as... Continue Reading →

Norse Gods and Goddesses

While we have put together full profiles of many Norse gods and goddesses on this site, we don't know enough about some of the Norse gods to justify a full page. Below is a list of the Norse gods and goddesses with a summary of what we know about them from Norse mythology. If you... Continue Reading →

Asgard: Realm of the Aesir Gods in Norse Mythology

According to Norse cosmology, the universe is held together by an enormous, ever-green ash tree called Yggdrasil. It holds among its roots and branches the nine realms. Principal among these realms is Asgard, the stronghold of the Aesir gods, led by Odin the All-Father, which sits among the highest branches of the world tree. While... Continue Reading →

The Norse Creation Myth

Norse mythology describes a world that looks very different from the one we understand today. It contained nine realms tucked into the roots and branches of the world tree Yggdrasil. The Vikings also had their own creation myth. The Ginnungagap According to the creation myth in Norse mythology, in the beginning, there was nothing, and... Continue Reading →

Jotun: The Giants of Norse Mythology

The Jotun, commonly called giants, are the ancient enemy of the gods in Norse mythology. But don't let the name fool you, being of enormous stature was not one of the main characteristics of the jotun. Instead, they were supernatural beings very similar to the gods, and who often interbred with the gods. This suggests... Continue Reading →

Ragnarok: The Apocalypse in Norse Mythology

Ragnarok, or more accurately Ragnarök, is the prophecy of the “Twilight of the Gods” from Norse mythology in which most of the Norse gods are destined to die and the world is meant to be destroyed. Where does the prophecy come from, and what exactly does it say will happen to the Norse gods and... Continue Reading →

The Valkyrie: Odin’s Shieldmaidens in Norse Mythology

The Valkyrie are the divine shieldmaidens of Asgard that join with Odin in deciding the outcome of battles and choosing the bravest fallen warriors to live in Valhalla. But while classical art represents the Valkyrie as voluptuous and benevolent goddesses, the Norse sources describe the women as bathing in the blood of the battlefield. Who... Continue Reading →

Yggdrasil: The World Tree in Norse Mythology

Yggdrasil, the Norse world tree or cosmic tree sits at the center of the universe in Norse mythology. The nine realms of the Norse cosmos are tucked into the roots and branches of the sacred tree, and Yggdrasil connects the worlds and also separates them, maintaining the cosmic order. The Backbone of the Norse Universe... Continue Reading →

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